1333 W. McDermott Dr Suite 200 Allen, TX 75013


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Rolling Grills

One of the most common products that we provide here at Garage Door Solutions is Rolling Grills. Many business owners here in the Dallas Fort Worth Texas area are starting to equip their establishments with rolling grills for extra protection.

What is Rolling Grills?

What makes it different from other doors is its “see through” property. It is a grillwork with opening or windows that are mainly rectangular in shape. They are often installed in entrances and windows of shops, malls, banks and restaurants.

Why use Rolling Grills?

Tighter Security: It is a very good facility for tighter security in shops. They often function as an additional layer of security or a supplementary protection to conventional garage doors. And although it is light, it is very durable. Thus, they act as deterrent to stores or spaces. With all the risks of theft these days, this additional protection is undoubtedly important.

Additional Aesthetic Appeal: They are also good in adding aesthetic appeal to your shop windows. Our Rolling Grills come in different colors and they can easily match both your business establishment’s interior and exterior designs.

Longer Business Hours: Businesses can also operate longer with the use of Rolling Grills. Because of its spaces, customers and passersby can still view the displays on the shop’s window. Installing this in your shop will also give you peace of mind that your products are kept safe, especially if your business operates for 24 hours.

Easy to Move: Our rolling grills are very durable yet light. They can be moved easily at any time, thus providing you ease and convenience.

Why Garage Door Solutions?

It is very important to keep your items and belongings in your building safe. Our products are of the highest quality and our services are always above satisfactory.