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Category archive: Uncategorized

The Cables on the Side of my Garage Door Have Come off

The cables on the door are a very important part of the assembly. If not corrected, the garage door can cause injury when operated, expose the home to vulnerabilities, and can cause the garage door to stop working altogether. These are the most common problems people experience when garage door cable problems occur. When the…

The Wheels Came off of My Garage Door

Garage door wheels are seldom thought about until a problem arises. They are attached to the roller pins, which are attached to the door panels. As the door rises or lowers, the wheels roll in aluminum tracks on either side. There are signs that problems are developing with the wheels; by conducting regular inspections, you…

The Spring on my Garage Door is Broken

Overhead garage doors are raised and lowered in large part by effort made by the springs. The springs are made out of highly durable, thick steel, and they use the principle of torsion to achieve results. While garage doors may be made out of lighter or heavier material, the fact is that the springs must…

What to do when/if Your Garage Door Opens and Closes on its Own

It can be frustrating when a garage door opens and closes on its own. This type of problem occurs more frequently than one may believe. While it is certainly understanding for people to get upset about that type of situation, a few things can be done. Potential Causes A garage door that opens or shuts…

My Garage Door is Making a Horrible Noise when it Opens, or Closes

A garage door that makes terrible noises when it is being used indicates that something is not quite right. There could be potential danger or hazards that must be addressed. Being aware of the situation can help people know what to do next. Indentify the Location It can be easy to jump to conclusions and…

Troubleshooting: When the Garage Door Won’t Open

The garage is important for keeping the house protected. It even doubles as a storage unit for some households. From time to time, the garage door can stop working. It could be a minor circuit problem, or there could be a problem with the remote. Here are some of the most common reasons the garage…